What to do Once Your Book is on Amazon

So you’ve just written a book and got it on Amazon, Congratulations! This is a great feat and something worth being proud of. However there is more to it than just getting your book on Amazon, getting it to sell can be a hard pill to swallow at times. Studies show that the average book sells less than 250 copies which is such a small number compared to the amount of work put into these books. Which is why this article is going to go over what you should do AFTER you’ve put your Book on Amazon.

The first and probably most obvious thing you should do is get Reviews. A product on Amazon without reviews is hardly a product at all. The more reviews your book has, the more it will sell. For more information on how to get safe reviews you can read our blog: https://www.alpharavenhouse.com/blog-posts/safe-reviews-for-your-amazon-business

The second thing you should do and one of the most important things is submit your book to the Look Inside program on Amazon. This free program allows readers to get a sneak peek look at the contents of your book, sort of like a movie trailer. This heavily will increase your chance at making sales as readers will be able to make a more informed decision to buy as opposed to judging your book by its cover. However, just make sure that the content you are submitting to the program is identical to what is inside your book.

To learn more about the Look Inside program you can visit it here: Amazon.com Look Inside The Book (LITB) Program Details

Third, set up your Author Central account. This is a great way for readers to get to know more about you and your story and possibly other books you’ve written. But as you know, if people can connect with you more it's also likely they'll purchase your book. You can visit the Author Central page here: Amazon Author

Lastly, Market your book! If you have a following on Instagram or Twitter or other social media platforms then let them know about your book and post a link to purchase your book so they can go directly to from your social media page to buy the book. Some other good practices is to use keywords in the product description so that it can attract readers who are looking for something specific that your book offers.Try setting up Facebook ads or Sponsored Ads but don't sell yourself short by not promoting your work!

You’ve spent a lot of hard work and long nights writing your books so make sure you're doing what you can to get it out there and in the hands of the reader. I hope these tips helped you get a better understanding of what to do once its on Amazon.

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