Stay Away from Fake Reviews
It is hard enough to compete with the big brands, but now you have to worry about your product being knocked down by fake reviews. These days it's nearly impossible for business owners to get a leg up in their industry without some outside help from the internet. Fake reviews are just one of those things that can destroy your company if you let them. This blog post will go over why you should stay away from fake reviews and what we can do about this problem.
Last year Amazon cracked down on what seemed to be an underground subculture of sellers who would receive reviews in exchange for a trade of goods. They closed down hundreds of accounts, leaving many of their sellers to wonder where they had gone wrong and why they had all of a sudden been locked out of their accounts. To Amazon it was simple, these sellers had violated Amazon's review policy and were using their account for "commercial purposes". It may have been that these sellers truly didn't feel like they had done anything wrong but maybe they didn't have a full understanding of what Amazon's review policy is. So, let's break it down and then I'll link you to a solution that's certified to help you get reviews safely.
You can find Amazon's review policy here: Amazon.com Help: Customer Reviews in which it states it's zero tolerance policy for any reviews generated from a friend or relative, reviews made in exchange for a positive review from the seller, or any review that would imply a conflict of interest between yourself and the person leaving the review. We all know the name of the game when it comes to Amazon. The more reviews, the more you sell and the more you sell, the more reviews.
One of the methods we highly suggest is using an app called Alpha Raven which can help address both of these key points. Apps like this help automate the process and struggle of getting your product out into the masses and increasing your sales and reviews organically. With Alpha Ravens product blast, they're able to not only increase your daily sales but also help you generate tons of organic and verified reviews from true unbiased shoppers. This can also help you get to the Amazon's front page and you know how many sales that can lead to! Feel free to check out more about Alpha Raven here: (5) How to Get Product Reviews on Amazon? What Will HARM You & How to Get Reviews Safely - YouTube
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, be sure to read and understand Amazon's review policy before you sell and avoid yourself the headache of getting suspended. Happy selling!