Safe Reviews for Your Amazon Business
Getting reviews for your Amazon business can be a daunting task. With so many people selling on Amazon, it can seem impossible to rank higher than the competition. And it's not just about getting the reviews, but it's also bout getting the reviews without violating Amazons TOS and getting your account suspended. If you want to stay afloat and be able to compete with other sellers, then you need safe reviews for your amazon business. This blog post will go over a great tool that will help you get verified reviews in a safe manner!
It's important to understand Amazon's review policy first. Amazon doesn't allow reviews from people who have received anything from the seller or a competitor. This includes promotional items, discounts on products, cash payments for reviews and also incentivized reviews (reviews that are rewarded with other benefits such as free products). Amazon will allow people to review their own purchase if they don't receive anything in return but this doesn't count towards your number of qualified reviews. Amazon will also not allow reviews from family members, friends and coworkers. So, to put it simply, you can't solicit reviews from your friends or family or even solicit a review from your buyers in the description. This could cause Amazon to suspend your listing or your account altogether. If you'd like to review Amazon's review policy a little more you can visit it here: Amazon.com Help: Customer Reviews
So how do you go about getting safe reviews for amazon?
Well one way is simply by putting out a great product. Invest your time and energy into developing and improving upon your product so that the reviews come about organically. Make sure you're promoting and driving traffic to your product in order to increase the number of reviews you get as well.
Something I really want to talk about that is a great resource to help you get tons of verified reviews is an app called Alpha Raven.
One of the great benefits of Alpha Raven is its ability to help get your product on the first page of Amazon and making your sales increase organically. It does so through a product blast for your chosen keywords.
The set up is super easy:
- Sign up and get your blast set up within 12 hours
- They'll set your product blast with the keywords you choose. Keep in mind it may take a few days for the blast to go into effect.
- The blast goes out and you start seeing an increase in daily sales, you get more verified reviews and ultimately your product reaches the front page of Amazon.
You're really able to reap the full benefits of selling on Amazon when using the tools, like Alpha Raven, at your disposal. You can learn more about how Alpha Raven can help here: Amazon Product Launch Services – Improve Amazon Product Ranking - Alpha Raven House - Rank & Get Reviews