Protect Your Amazon Listing from Hijackers!
It can be frustrating, you worked day and night creating your product and branding it. Building your Amazon business from the ground up, just for someone to come along, sell a counterfeit version of your product and ruin your reputation. You may be asking yourself "how do I prevent this from happening?" It is not easy. There are many things that can go wrong with an online store, but hijacking is one of the worst. This blog post will talk about how to protect your amazon listing from being hijacked and what you should do if it has been hijacked.
If you have your own private label product then you know that you are the only person authorized to sell that product. Unless you've given someone else authorization to sell the same product then your brand should be the only on the market. So that's where you can start, monitor your listings weekly. Check your listing to make sure there isn't any indication that there is another seller selling your product. If there is then you'll see a little number in parentheses indicating that there is another of the same product on the market for a lesser price.
If this is the case and you have been hijacked the next step would be to file a complaint to Amazon. This process may take some time and you'll have to make sure you gather enough evidence but Amazon will be pretty proactive in making sure it gets resolved. What most sellers have done is purchase one of the counterfeit products from the fake seller and take photos and submit those to Amazon along with an explanation as to why this is a counterfeit and it should be removed from the platform. Again, it can be a lengthy process but well worth it to protect your brand.
One factor worth looking into is investing in the branding of your product. If it's easy to rip off your design, down to the packaging then it's time you also focus your efforts on improving your branding so that buyers know when to separate the real from the fake.
Lastly, look into possibly establishing an ecommerce shop on a different platform where buyers can verify your business. This will not only give you that safety net of being able to still sell your products if you've been hijacked but also helps future buyers have the confidence their buying from you if they have links to your other shops.
We hope you never have to endure the frustration of being hijacked and we hope these tips help you stay prepared so you can protect your brand and scale your business.